Mary Beth is one of the first Havening ADT (HADT) Practitioners and Assistant Trainers of HADT in the UK. Havening is a revolutionary new scientific method that can help with:
- Distressing Memories
- Trauma
- Fear
- Compulsions
Havening - Amygdala Depotentiation Techniques (ADT) is the product of a decade of scientific research. Many people have heard of the new 'psycho-sensory' therapies that involve tapping on the body and eye movements, and whilst it may seem at first that they are the same, they are not. There has now been what some claim to be a quantum leap that may allow practitioners to help their patients more efficiently. Havening is a different approach developed by New York based MD and neuroscientist, Ron Ruden.
By applying cutting edge neuroscience, Ron Ruden MD, has created an integrated system that can give therapists the means to provide help for patients suffering from a wide range of disorders. Havening (ADT) is different from talking therapies, as the focus is not so much on the content and detailed ‘understanding’ of the patient’s past but on the client’s emotional response. Using sensory input, including gentle touch, and by following a set of simple protocols, thought, mood and behaviours can be helped.
Havening (ADT) is a system of scientific procedures, usually taking only minutes to perform, which can help de-traumatize memories and their negative effects.
How does it work?
For people who have experienced an extreme trauma, the consequences are often stored in the brain and are activated by conscious or inadvertent recall. Other people may have had many small stresses that added together can impede the quality of their lives. Once this recall occurs, symptoms are generated. Recent research has shown that this activation also makes the pathway that generates these feelings subject to disruption. Havening disrupts this pathway – put very simply, the Havening process disconnects the uncomfortable thought from the feeling. After the process, the client is perhaps able to recall that something traumatic happened, but is no longer upset by it.
Why does it work so well?
Havening (ADT) helps mainly for one reason; the underlying neurobiology is understood. This allows for protocols to be psychologically consonant so the practitioner maximizes the effect of their therapeutic skills. Because of the nature of profound change that this approach creates, this event is only open to healthcare professionals and those qualified to help with challenging issues.
What the experts say:
Paul McKenna says, ‘This is what I have been looking for, for the past 25 years. I can now do in minutes what used to take months. I firmly believe this process will change the face of therapy over time.
In my experience, the use of Havening leads to the most profound changes in patients who suffer from a wide range of problems. I am convinced that in the course of time this remarkable strategic approach to behavioural change will be considered one of the great therapeutic breakthroughs of the 21st century.’
“Havening is an intervention which aims to provide rapid and effective treatment to people who suffer with a range of anxiety-based common mental health disorders characterised by symptoms such as anger, guilt, sadness, fear and apathy. Havening includes elements of EMDR, which is already a highly successful evidence-based intervention for people suffering with psychological trauma related ill health. Ron Ruden, Paul McKenna and Deborah Tom are working with King's College to gather the evidence to properly assess its effectiveness and publish the results in peer reviewed journals; the preliminary research carried out so far shows promise which will be examined by more robust trials in due course”.
Professor Neil Greenberg, Psychiatrist, King's College London
If you would like to book a Havening session, please contact us:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
UK: Harley Street, London and Dorking, Surrey
Phone: +44 20 7467 8427 and +44 1306 735 368