Myth Busters

We are frequently shocked by all the myths and misconceptions there are about hypnosis. These are due in part to television and hypnotic stage shows that have people clucking like chickens or barking like dogs. Stage show hypnosis is exactly that -- show business. The hypnotist is there to entertain and they have many techniques to ensure that those who end up on stage will put on a good show for them. This doesn't mean that they are faking it - they're not - but the selection process is very rigorous.

We would like to dispel some of these myths right here and assure you that you are always very safe and secure while hypnotised.

Will I lose control?

- Many people believe that the hypnotist will have complete control over them.  Experiments have shown that subjects will only follow suggestions that fit with their morals and values.  Hypnosis requires voluntary participation on the part of the subject.  A person in a hypnotic trance determines his or her own level of participation in the process.

Is it possible that I won't wake up?

- Some people fear that they will get stuck in a trance, but this is impossible.  Many people like the feeling of deep relaxation so much that they are reluctant to come around and may take a few moments to open their eyes.   My mentor, Steve Crabb, just tells his clients, "You are welcome to sit there as long as you want.  I have you credit card details and I charge by the minute."  Since you are the one who is in control, you can choose to come out of a trance at any time.

What if I am not hypnotisable?

The experience that you have will be totally dependent upon the competence of the hypnotist and the subjects willingness to join in.

What if I am not hypnotisable?

The experience that you have will be totally dependent upon the competence of the hypnotist and the subjects willingness to join in.

Will I be totally "out of it"?

- Many people believe that they will lose consciousness when they are hypnotised, but this is not true.   Hypnosis is similar to meditation and you are normally fully aware of what is going on around you.  In fact, when people are hypnotised for the first time, it is quite common for them to think that they were not in trance and that it didn't work because they were aware of everything.

So what IS hypnosis then?

Hypnosis is something that occurs naturally - all the time, every day.  It is a natural state of focused attention.  We are often in this trance state when we drive a car, watch TV, play computer games or read a good book.  Our ability to enter into this unique state of consciousness opens the door to countless possibilities for self-exploration, healing and change.  When we enter into the absorbed state of hypnosis, we can use our thoughts, talents and experiences in ways that are not usually available to us.