In The Flow

"How can a man's life keep its course, if he will not let it flow?  Those who flow as life flows know, they need no other force; They feel no wear, they feel no tear, they need no mending, no repair."

-Lao Tzu

I recently came across this beautiful quote by Lao Tzu and was reminded of the

"How can a man's life keep its course, if he will not let it flow?  Those who flow as life flows know, they need no other force; They feel no wear, they feel no tear, they need no mending, no repair."

-Lao Tzu

I recently came across this beautiful quote by Lao Tzu and was reminded of the fact that everything is unfolding exactly as it was meant to be.  Sometimes we need to stop trying so hard and surrender, in order to get back "in the flow".

We all know what it's like to be "in the flow".  Athletes know what it feels like to be on top of their game.  A writer can sit down one day and experience writer's block and yet another day, the words flow freely. 

There is a natural flow to life that is often blocked by our attempts to alter its course by thinking that we know what's right and what's best.  When we are attached to a specific outcome or a specific deadline and we make it all about us, it is like putting obstacles in that free flowing river. 

By "surrender" I mean that sometimes it is necessary to detach from the outcome that we have in mind and to let go of caring how something turns out.  Take the course of action that inspires you and not the one that you think you SHOULD take.  At the very least, the journey will be more enjoyable!